Team & Contact

bulwiengesa appraisal GmbH’s valuers are certified real estate experts for financial purposes (CIS HypZert (F/S) accredited by HypZert in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17024, Chartered Surveyors (both MRICS and FRICS) and publicly appointed and inaugurated valuers by the German chambers of industry and commerce (IHKs).

A number of our valuers are also accredited by the BaFin financial regulator for the valuation of assets belonging to real estate funds. 

Our team members take part in continuing professional development (CPD) via participation in professional events and training courses.

Your contacts from our management:

Sven Carstensen MRICS

Geschäftsführer bulwiengesa appraisal GmbH
Dipl.-Kaufmann (FH), Immobilienökonom (ebs)
Immobiliengutachter HypZert (F)
T +49 30 27 87 68 31

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Marcus Badmann FRICS

Geschäftsführer bulwiengesa appraisal GmbH
Dipl.-Ing. Bauwesen, öbuv. Sachverständiger für Immobilienwertermittlung
Immobiliengutachter HypZert (F)
T +49 69 75 61 46 7 59